Remove Tattoos Safely and Quickly
Have you considered undergoing laser tattoo removal? Choose the most up-and-coming method of laser tattoo removal, the PicoWay® laser.
In the past, laser tattoo removal treatments have caused patients extreme pain—and they still aren’t able to remove the tattoo’s pigments entirely. These older treatments can also cause permanent pigmentation problems for darker skin tones.
What is PicoWay® Tattoo Removal?
The PicoWay® laser requires significantly less downtime and discomfort than traditional laser tattoo removal procedures. Because it uses quick, intense bursts of laser energy, it’s safer than the less powerful, sustained exposure to laser energy.
How Does PicoWay® Work?
Because tattoo pigments are injected deep into the skin, they’re permanent unless treated. Patients of all skin types and ethnicities are potential candidates for a PicoWay® tattoo removal procedure.
Here’s how a typical PicoWay® tattoo removal treatment works:
- Your technician focuses intense laser energy at your tattoo in a series of bursts. These bursts are incredibly quick—each lasting for just a few trillionths of a second.
- The quick bursts produce a photo-acoustic effect, targeting the pigmentation below the skin with both light and sound energy. This energy slowly breaks up even the smallest bits of pigmentation.
- After the laser energy has loosened and removed a good portion of this pigment, the rest is eliminated from the body by macrophages over time.
- Most patients need only four to six treatments to remove a professional tattoo, significantly less than are required during a traditional laser tattoo removal procedure.
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PicoWay® Your Way
Would you like to learn more about the incredible PicoWay® laser? Schedule a consultation appointment or contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you and giving you quick, easy, and comfortable tattoo removal treatments.