What Helps to Increase Testosterone Production?

What Low Testosterone Options Are There for Men?

If you’ve been diagnosed with low testosterone or you suspect that your testosterone may be low, there’s help. Find our your options for low testosterone medication. In the past 100 years, men’s life expectancy has nearly doubled.

In 1900, men lived up to around the age of 46. That age shot up to 76 by 2014. There’s no doubt that men are now redefining what it really means to be 60, 70, and 75 or older.

A healthy diet, regular exercise, and ample rest all help to maintain vitality and energy in men aged 50 and over.

However, men are also using one of the latest, most advanced anti-aging solutions on the market: testosterone. Over the past decade, many middle-aged and senior men have resorted to using low testosterone medication to up their testosterone levels.

In this post, we’ll look at what is testosterone, symptoms of low testosterone, how to increase testosterone level by medicine and supplements, and ways to boost testosterone levels naturally.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone’s the hormone that helps develop the male sex organ and secondary sexual traits. It’s made in the testicles.

Testosterone is vitally important for:

  • Red blood cells
  • Bone density
  • Muscle mass
  • Sexual function
  • Reproductive function

Testosterone also helps with vitality and well-being.

As men grow older, their testosterone production gradually declines. This natural decrease begins around the age of 30 and continues all through a man’s life.

Do I Have Low Testosterone?

A drop in the level of your testosterone can lead to a reduction in sexual activity and weakened erectile function, which may then cause infertility.

More signs of low testosterone include:

  • Oppressed mood, weak emotional reaction, depressive states.
  • Signs of gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) which is associated with a reduction in testosterone and, as result, an increase in production of estrogens.
  • Inability to achieve an erection–one of the various symptoms of several pathological conditions, specifically, lack of testosterone.
  • Muscular atrophy–testosterone is directly responsible for muscle growth in the body. With testosterone deficiency, muscle tissues atrophy and fat cells replace them in most cases.
  • Lack of desire for sex, decreased libido, apathy.
  • A drop in physical activity. Men get the energy to perform a physical and mental activity from testosterone. Inadequate testosterone production results in fatigue, which remains even after rest.

If you identify the signs of testosterone deficiency in a timely fashion, you can avoid the development of more serious negative symptoms and worsening of the situation.

What are the Options for Treating Low Testosterone Levels?

In most cases, a man has to have both several low testosterone symptoms and low testosterone levels in their blood to receive therapy.

You can have low testosterone levels and still not experience the symptoms. But if you’ve got no major symptoms, especially sexual dysfunction and fatigue, it’s not advisable to undergo therapy as there’s uncertainty about the long-term safety of therapy.

Even if you have the symptoms and low levels of testosterone, therapy isn’t always the best option. If your healthcare provider can find out the cause–for example, certain medications or weight gain–they may first sort out that problem.

If your doctor thinks testosterone replacement therapy is best for you, there are various options to consider:

Topical Gel

You should apply this gel to the skin. It’s vitally important to do that on the skin area that won’t be touched by anyone else, especially a child or woman. Like the patch, you should apply the gel once a day at the same time.

The particular gel brand you use will have directions on which areas of the body you should apply. Make sure to follow the directions. Hold off on bathing as instructed on the product label.

Skin Patch

Some people find a skin patch the most convenient way to treat low testosterone. The patch is usually applied once a day, at the same time daily (typically in the evening).

You mustn’t use more than one patch a day. Apply it to the skin area that’s unlikely to be exposed to excessive sweating or pressure, and also doesn’t have much hair.

Never apply the skin patch to irritated skin or an open wound. If your skin gets irritated after taking off the patch, apply some hydrocortisone cream. Don’t use other ointments.

Mouth Patch

This patch has the shape of a tablet and you should apply it to your upper gum twice a day, or every 12 hours. You should never chew or swallow the tablets as they release the medicine slowly but don’t dissolve entirely.

Never apply a new tablet before removing the old one. Always apply a new patch to the opposite side of the mouth.


Various solutions are injected every 1-2 weeks. Testosterone levels can go up for days after an injection and then gradually come down. This can bring about a rollercoaster effect, where energy levels and mood shoot up before trailing off.


These are implants that are fitted below the skin, normally around the buttocks or hips, and gradually release testosterone. They’re replaced every 3-6 months.


Since you can’t always consume enough of the nutrients that increase your testosterone levels, consuming supplements daily is a convenient way to take the amino acids and plant compounds that can help boost testosterone levels. Natural supplements may help raise your testosterone levels and support balanced hormones.

Here are some natural supplements that can make testosterone more active or encourage testosterone production:

  • Fenugreek
  • Beet root
  • L-arginine
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine
  • Avena sativa
  • L-citrulline
  • Vitamin D

Most men notice an improvement in their symptoms within 4-6 weeks of going on testosterone replacement therapy but changes like an increase in muscle mass might take 3-6 months.

Men who are receiving testosterone replacement therapy need follow-up blood tests to see how they are responding to therapy.

Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels

Maybe you don’t suffer from hypogonadism (inadequate testosterone production) but you’d like to feel more youthful and energetic. The following alternatives can help up your testosterone levels without the need for hormone therapy.

Keep a Healthy Weight

Overweight and obese men are more than likely to have decreased testosterone levels. Weight loss can help bring your testosterone back up.

Sleep 7-8 Hours Every Night

Sleep deprivation affects your body’s hormones, including testosterone. So make sure to get at least seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

Exercise on the Regular

Sedentary men usually have low testosterone levels, as their bodies don’t require as much. To stimulate testosterone production, you can try weightlifting. The secret is using your muscles and moving your body regularly.

Eat More Beans and Nuts

These foods are loaded with D-aspartic acid, which stimulates testosterone production. Try adding the following to your diet:

  • Eggs
  • Lentils
  • Almonds
  • Coffee (especially in the morning)

Avoid a Diet Rich in Proteins

When you consume so much protein, your testicles end up producing less testosterone. You can maintain and even increase your levels of testosterone by including quality carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in your diet. Make sure that the protein you eat is no more than 30% of your total calorie intake.

Have Sex

This piece of advice is music to the ears of everyone: Have lots and lots of sex. Honestly speaking, sex helps up your testosterone levels. What’s more, it also helps reduce stress and may improve your sleep, helping you check off a couple more things on this list.

Manage Stress Levels

Cortisol is the stress hormone that blocks the production of testosterone, so it’s vital to manage your stress. Some ways to manage stress include yoga, meditation, tai chi, or anything that makes you relaxed.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol speeds up the metabolism and removal of testosterone from blood and also decreases the rate at which the body makes testosterone. Limiting your intake of alcohol can help you sleep better and boost your testosterone levels.

Avoid BPA

BPA (Bisphenol-A) is a chemical that’s used to line aluminum cans and make plastic products.

There’s enough evidence to show that being exposed to even low BPA levels can cause hormonal issues and even a heightened risk of men developing prostate cancer. By not packing food in plastic containers, not using plastic bottles, and not having canned food, you can avoid endocrine disruptors.

Precautions When Using Low Testosterone Medication

Before starting your testosterone replacement therapy, let your doctor know your entire medical history. Discuss any other health problems you have as well as any supplements or drugs you take.

Some conditions, like high blood counts (erythrocytosis) or congestive heart failure could make it risky for you to go on this therapy. The next thing you need to do is consider the various kinds of testosterone therapy and pick the specific medicine delivery method that’s best for you.

Closing Thoughts

Men on low testosterone medication often have a higher libido, more energy, and improved wellbeing. But it’s not yet clear how safe the medication is in the long-term.

You can also boost your testosterone levels in other ways, such as through exercise, diet, and sleep. However, be sure to talk to your doctor about which type of treatment is best for you.

To restore your usual testosterone levels, make an appointment with one of the specialists at The Aesthetic Medicine & Anti-Aging Clinics of Louisiana. Contact us to plan a consultation at our Baton Rouge or Lafayette office.